Book Launch Of Pusaka Bumi – Malaysia’s Legacy Of Nature

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Salam Sejahtera

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

Beta bersyukur ke hadrat ILAHI kerana dengan izin dari Nya juga Beta dapat berangkat ke Majlis Pelancaran buku Pusaka Bumi- Malaysia’s Legacy of Nature, karya yang dihasilkan dari dorongan jiwa seni dan keprihatinan hati terhadap kekayaan khazanah ILAHI yang merupakan pusaka berharga di muka bumi; khazanah negara dan pusaka alam yang begitu kaya, unik lagi istimewa.

2. Nature’s bounty is around us if we care to search with our eyes and soul. Malaysia’s exotic flora and fauna can be found even in our backyard without having to go the arboretum or zoo. The murmuring, creaking or hissing sound could be that of a tiny creature not normally visible by the human eyes but could, nevertheless, be located by a willing soul. The delicate tendrils dancing in the breeze or the shade of hues accompanying bursting petals are just some of the ordinary sight that might greet us should we attune our soul. Through his lenses, Omar Ariff has captured successfully and magnificently the flora and fauna of Malaysia. Whether the bracket funghi of Royal Belum, or the giant clam of Pulau Tenggol, or the gingers of Janda Baik, or the pygmy elephant of Kinabatangan, or the Dragon Head Katydid of Mulu, all these have been compiled into a book which displays Malaysia’a nature at its best. Pusaka Bumi is truly a delightful book of world class standard and as Malaysians we are honoured and humbled to share our legacy of nature with the rest of mankind.

3. The production and publication of Pusaka Bumi entails immense patience and skill. Omar Ariff deserves our admiration, toiling in remote and not so isolated areas of the country occasionally with his seven year old daughter in tow, personally ensuring the highest quality of printing, and above all to have a book which would be the pride of all Malaysians. It should be our collective duty and responsibility to ensure that the Malaysian treasures captured in this book are protected and conserved so that future generations continue to have the opportunity to experience nature’s wonders first hand and not just read about it in books. This however requires sound laws, strict enforcement and strong political commitments to ensure that nature is not robbed of such treasures. Nature should not be traded for man’s selfish gain and there should be no room for corruption and no space for bribery when it comes to protecting our God-given treasures.

4. Yayasan Seni Berdaftar, dengan wawasan dan minat bersungguh Yang Amat Berbahagia Toh Puan Mahani Idris Daim, Pengerusi dan pengasasnya, telah menggalakkan perkembangan dan memperkayakan dunia seni. Penajaan penerbitan ini, berserta minat tinggi dan komitmen beliau memastikan penyebaran buku ‘Pusaka Bumi’ ke setiap sekolah di luar bandar, adalah usaha yang amat dihargai dan perlu diberikan pengiktirafan. Beta menyeru agar buku ini dibeli oleh anggota masyarakat dan melalui pembelian itu serentak melakukan sumbangan amal kepada Tabung Leukemia Kanak-Kanak.

5. Beta menzahirkan ucap tahniah kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dalam usaha penerbitan ‘Pusaka Bumi: Malaysia’s Legacy of Nature’. Semoga buku ini dapat memenuhi keperluan santapan rohani. Beta percaya penerbitan ‘Pusaka Bumi’ adalah langkah permulaan penglibatan Yayasan Seni Berdaftar dalam usaha menerbitkan bahan-bahan artistik. Masyarakat tentunya menantikan penerbitan yang selanjutnya.

6. Dengan lafaz Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, Beta dengan sukacitanya melancarkan buku ‘Pusaka Bumi – Malaysia’s Legacy of Nature’.


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