Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Salam Sejahtera
Beta bersyukur ke hadrat ILAHI kerana dengan limpah rahmat dari Nya juga Beta dapat berangkat ke Majlis Pengumuman Penerima Anugerah Merdeka 2012 pada petang ini.
As you may know, each year the Merdeka Award is conferred on individuals and organisations whose excellent work and achievements have made an outstanding impact on the nation and its people in the following categories:
- Education and Community
- Environment
- Health, Science and Technology
- Outstanding Scholastic Achievement
- Outstanding Contribution to the People of Malaysia.
These Award categories reflect focus areas that we consider instrumental in the overall growth and development of a nation.
One award is made for each of the five categories. The recipient in each category is awarded a certificate, a trophy and prize money of RM500, 000. In the event that in a given year, two or more individuals or organisations are deemed to be equally deserving of recognition, the award is shared.
Above and beyond the recognition and the considerable money that comes with it, it is our hope that the Merdeka Award will earn its recipients a place in history as individuals and organisations that have truly gone beyond the call of duty. And in the course of their work, have demonstrated the true Spirit of Merdeka, that of the liberation of mind and spirit and the pursuit of excellence.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Allow me to introduce the members of the Merdeka Award Board of Trustees.
They are:
- YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Shamsul Azhar Abbas
the President & CEO of PETRONAS,who is a Founding Member of the Merdeka Award Board of Trustees
- Mr J Hunter Farris, Chairman of ExxonMobil Subsidiaries in Malaysia
- Mr Iain Lo, Chairman of Shell Malaysia
- YBhg Dato’ Henry Barlow
- YBhg Professor Emeritus Datin Dr Norella Kong
Dato Mohammad Medan Abdullah is the Secretary of the Merdeka Award Board of Trustees
The Board, together with members of the five Nomination Committees and the Selection Committee, has deliberated, and identified those who stood above the rest in their embodiment of the Spirit of Merdeka.
It is now my pleasure to announce the recipients of the 2012 Merdeka Award.
- Health, Science & Technology
In the Health, Science and Technology Catergory, the 2012 Merdeka Award goes to YBhg Tan Sri Professor Emeritus Augustine Ong Soon Hock
– For outstanding contribution to the research and development of the chemistry and technology of Palm Oil and for his significant role in advocating and promoting the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry to the world.
Tan Sri Ong is a scientist, innovator, inventor and a pioneer in fundamental palm oil research and has paved the way for younger scientists to support the industry through research and development. Today, he continues to advocate and promote Malaysian palm oil to the world
- Outstanding Scholastic Achievement Category
The 2012 Merdeka Award for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement goes to YBhg Tan Sri Professor Dr Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas
– For Outstanding Contribution in the area of the Islamisation of Contemporary Knowledge and of Muslim Education.
Tan Sri Syed Naquib is a contemporary Islamic scholar and thinker and is recognised as among the most influential Muslim scholars in the world. He has made significant contributions to the study of the history of the modern Malay language, and to the scholarly research in the area of Islamisation of contemporary knowledge and Muslim education.
Among his many achievements is the establishment of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation (ISTAC). Tan Sri Professor Syed Naquib continues to contribute towards enhancing Islamic scholarship and understanding.
- Outstanding Contribution to the People of Malaysia
For outstanding contribution to the people of Malaysia, the 2012 Merdeka Award goes to Professor Dr Engkik Soepadmo
– For his outstanding contribution to the research and conservation of Malaysia’s forest plant diversity.
Dr Soepadmo is a scientist and ecologist from Indonesia whose main research focuses on species diversity, the complex structure and ecological functioning of tropical rainforests in Asia, especially in Malaysia.
He first came to Malaysia in 1968 and went on to become Professor of Ecology at the University of Malaya. He has described 56 new species of tropical plants and trees, and 6 species are named after him.
Through advocacy, collaboration and scientific research and publications he has contributed significantly towards the establishment of protected forest areas in Malaysia.
Dr Soepadmo has done pioneering work on the reproductive biology and population dynamics of selected groups of economically important tree species.
No award for this year has been given in the categories of Education & Community and Environment.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I congratulate the recipients and hope that their significant contribution will continue to inspire Malaysians.
With these awards a total of seventeen (17) individuals and two (2) organisations have received the Merdeka Award since it was established in 2007.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Before I conclude, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Nomination and Selection Committees and the Award Secretariat for their commitment and hard work.
I would also like to thank the Founding Members – PETRONAS, ExxonMobil and Shell – and my colleagues on the Board of Trustees for their support and partnership. It is my sincere hope that our coming together through this Award will leave a lasting legacy of excellence and achievement.
Thank you.