DATE: 3 JUNE 2009 TIME: 10.00 AM
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Salam Sejahtera
- Beta bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan izin dari Nya juga Beta dan Raja Puan Besar dapat berangkat ke majlis perasmian Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park pada pagi ini.
- I am delighted to be here this morning to celebrate the opening ceremony of the new Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park with all of you. It is an occasion of significance for several reasons. We are standing today within an establishment that is a result of vision and foresight. The fact that Tenby Schools have their roots in Ipoh is particularly close to my heart. From humble beginnings as a kindergarten established in 1960, it later grew to become the famous Tenby School – an iconic symbol in Ipoh, synonymous with quality international education. Its reputation later extended to Penang and now to the Klang Valley. I have been informed of plans for further reach domestically and regionally, which I am pleased to hear. The rise of this homegrown Perak brand is inspiring and something to be very proud of. I am also very happy that the Tenby name has been retained as an important continuing link to the schools’ historical legacy.
- But the significance of this occasion extends beyond the establishment and opening of the schools. The motivations and aspirations of the not-for-profit SiWu Education Trust, founded by Dato’ KK Lim, a visionary philanthropist, is a very important dimension. The Trust was established in loving memory of Lim Si Wu, youngest son of Dato’ KK Lim and Datin Stella, who succumbed to leukemia in 1993 at the tender age of twenty. It is extremely laudable that all profits from the schools are ploughed back into the Trust and used to establish international schools and Malaysian private schools, provide teacher development, and grant scholarships to deserving students. These endeavours clearly embrace the noble and socially-responsible side of this big business of education. I am a firm believer that there is no better investment than the investment in education of the highest possible quality. It will determine the calibre of tomorrow’s leaders which will determine the future success of our nation.
- We live in a time of many challenges. We also live in a time of rapid change – change that is not always predictable and not always favourable. Education for success in the modern world must be able to mould our next generation into young men and women sufficiently educated to confront challenges and react to changes in the best manner possible. The education system must therefore be enabling, outward- and forward-looking. Educationists must ask the question: what is it that the future generation needs to know? In this regard, let me propose three elements for a school such as this, and the same should apply to any school, private or public, in any part of the world, to make a massive impact.
- First of all, pluralism must form an integral part of the curriculum. The nature of society today is that it is essentially pluralist, and becoming more and more so. As the world continues to shrink, individuals must be able to live, work and thrive in a global setting. They must become accustomed to pluralism, they must value it. This entails knowing languages, histories, norms and cultures other than one’s own, and having respect for diversity and receptiveness to ideas. I am heartened to note that a key differentiating factor of the Tenby Schools is its philosophy of integrating not just the diverse Malaysian cultures with each other but with those of their international counterparts.
- The second element is the ability to instil critical thinking and creative problem-solving. All too often the most important assessment of students’ success is their academic achievement. But I believe that how much they know is less important than their ability to explore what they do not know in order to uncover a solution. The world has no shortage of knowledge but it could always do with more understanding. Educators must take up the challenge to seek out improvements and innovation in curriculum, and in the use of technology to harness such skills – to be more than instructors – to be visionaries, motivators and mentors – to raise our young to achieve their potential.
- Finally, even if the two elements I just mentioned are fulfilled, an education system would not be comprehensive unless it has the ability to cultivate strength of character. Character of self-belief and determination that will not succumb when the going gets tough; character that is not afraid to let go of the familiar and forge ahead into new territory; character that is compassionate; character imbued with integrity, honesty and accountability.
- I extend my congratulations to the SiWu Education Trust for its vision, to Tenby Schools for its pursuit of that vision and to SP Setia for its partnership with Tenby – all of which have made this fine establishment possible. I wish you much success in the future and hope for many more additions to the Tenby family so as to bring the best in education that you can offer to other parts of Malaysia and beyond.
- It now gives me great pleasure to declare the Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park officially open.
Wabillahi taufik walhidayah
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.