It gives me great pleasure to be present here this morning. I am humbled to know that there exists in our society this group of selfless individuals who devote their time, talent, resources and energy to care for those most in need of support and compassion.
2. We know how upsetting it is when a member of our family falls sick. All the more so when the illness is so serious that the patient needs to be cared for over a long period of time; for some it can be many months, for others it can be years. Some patients can be so disabled by illness that he or she needs total care. In the case of patients with terminal illnesses, hospitals are often compelled to discharge them in order to free up beds for those who are “curable”. These patients are then surrendered to the care of their families, who often find it extremely difficult to cope with the responsibility, the physical exhaustion and the emotional anxiety. Having some knowledge in coping can help face these challenges.
3. I congratulate the Perak Palliative Care Society for their untiring efforts in serving the community and enriching the lives of others. It is my hope that their endeavours will create a greater awareness of Palliative Care and its immense benefit both to patients and their caregivers; and that it will inspire many to come forward to serve with dedication. Your contribution towards making ours a caring society inspires us all.
- I wish all speakers, facilitators and participants a constructive and fulfiling day ahead. It now gives me great pleasure to declare open the Seminar for Current and Future Caregivers: “Belaian Kasih Asas Kebahagiaan Keluarga”.