TIME: 10.30 AM




Click here for the original version of this speech in Bahasa Malaysia

Speaker of the State Assembly,

  1. Praise be to Allah, that by the will of the Divine, the first meeting in the fourth year for the Fourteenth State Assembly of Perak Darul Ridzuan can be conducted despite the delays due to the Emergency Proclamation, which placed the country in a state of emergency from 11th January till 1st August 2021. In a country that adopts a system of constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, the State Legislative Assembly, plays a vital role in strengthening the democratic practice as well as providing a check and balance to the executive branch, particularly in reviewing, debating and approving the state’s expenditure. This assembly serves also, as an avenue to voice out the concerns and lamentations of the people through their elected representatives, who bear the mandate of the people.
  2. In late 2019, the world was plunged into a state of shock with the emergence of the COVID-19 virus. It set off a global pandemic which has seen some 212,357,898 in recorded infections worldwide and 4,439,843 deaths as of the 24th of August 2021. Local cases in Malaysia, meanwhile, have hit a total of 1,593,602 infections and 14,553 deaths. Perak itself has seen 59,977 in its cumulative positive COVID-19 infections, with the death toll currently standing at 418.
  3. The pandemic has grievously affected the livelihoods of many people worldwide. In a local context, Malaysia’s Growth Domestic Product (GDP) shrunk by 5.6% in 2020, making it the 2nd lowest economic growth record after the financial crisis of ‘98. All the states in Malaysia recorded an economic decline in 2020; yet, 8 states recorded a better growth rate than the national growth rate, while Perak’s own economy contracted by 2.3%, placing us on the fifth rung amongst the states. The manufacturing and agricultural sectors each recorded a 3.5% and 1.4% growth respectively, being the only two sectors making a positive contribution to the state economy.
  4. Amid handling a raging health crisis which wrought wide-ranging and unforeseen consequences, 2020 yielded 983,527,286.74 ringgit in revenue, achieving 93% of the pre-set target. In addition, the developmental receipts totalled 36,185,656.30 ringgit, making the accumulated revenue and receipts on development 1,019,712,943.04 ringgit. Total expenditure hit 91% of the target spending, standing at almost 1,097,085,124.50 ringgit. A reduction in operation costs was observed in 2020 because of the prioritisation of spending as well as the postponement of a few initiatives, programs and official state events. To ease the burden of those adversely affected by the pandemic, the development expends to finance different types of initiatives through the Economic Stimulus Package proposed by the government, exceeding the budget. Our government closed the accounts for the year 2020 with a deficit of (77,372,181.46) ringgit, which was covered by the reserve.
  5. The COVID-19 pandemic has also directly impacted revenues of the local authorities. On the whole, revenues of local authorities in 2020 dropped by 256.74 million ringgit, equivalent to 20.2% percent of revenues in 2019. The Kuala Kangsar Municipality experienced a dip of almost 58% in revenue, which came up to a sum of 164 million ringgit, making it the most significantly affected local authority; while the Perak Tengah District Council experienced 61% drop in revenue totalling 47.84 million ringgit. Despite not drawing income from many facilities such as stadiums and community halls as they could not be rented out, the local authorities still needed to allocate maintenance expenditure. Facing a devastated revenue, the local authorities had to shoulder an additional burden of allocating new expenditure for their staff performing the duties of frontliners.
  6. The Eleventh Malaysia Plan ended at the end of 2020. The Federal Government allocated more than eight billion (8,063,107,728.52) ringgit to Perak. Of that allocation, seven point five billion (7,544,114,568.82) ringgit or an equivalent of 94% was spent. From a total of 556 approved projects, 258 projects were completed, while 296 projects are still in the implementation phase and are to be carried over into the Twelfth Malaysia Plan; and two projects – the feasibility study to upgrade the Gerik STOLport; and the acquisition of the Fire and Rescue Station sites in Sungkai – were cancelled.

Speaker of the State Assembly,

  1. Realising the issues faced by Malaysians as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Our government implemented various Economic Stimulus Packages and aid worth some 200,060,777.48 ringgit; 129,907,586.00 ringgit was provided in 2020; and 70,153,191.48 ringgit was allocated in 2021. The public welfare and health sectors received the biggest allocation amounting to more than sixty-three million (63,162,923.00) ringgit; while the second largest allocation of over forty-six million (46,372,006.00) ringgit was dispensed in the form of aid for hawkers, small businesses and entrepreneurs. Due to the uncertainty of the Movement Control Order (MCO) implementation period, Our government is looking into the need to further realign government spending to dampen any negative economic impact particularly towards vulnerable communities, to ensure the continuation of business in hastening our economic recovery.
  2. The Federal Government has allocated funds for the operation of frontliners of various federal agencies, which include the Health Department, the Police, the Armed Forces, RELA, the Civil Defence Force and the National Security Council. 64,819,444.62 ringgit was allocated in 2020; with 48% of that sum, or the equivalent of 31,685,555.00 ringgit being funnelled to the State Health Department. For the current year up till June, the Federal Government allocated 39,251,323.00 ringgit to finance the operation of the frontliners; of which, 42%, totalling 16,303,117.20 ringgit, was channelled to the Health Department.
  3. The Perak Islamic Religious Council and Malay Customs (MAIPk) provided special funds of assistance from its zakat resources amounting to 26,556,000.00 ringgit; 11,950,000.00 ringgit in 2020, and another 14,606,000.00 ringgit in 2021. The funds were directed at providing various forms of care packages for targeted groups such as subsidising operational expenditure of orphanages, old folks’ homes, and nursing homes; student welfare assistance for those studying abroad and locally; emergency welfare assistance for survival; aid for homeless centres and frontline workers; as well as the sponsorship of health and medical equipment. Our government also approved aid of 2,240,000.00 ringgit for purchase of medical equipment and disinfectant to 896 educational institutions under the Islamic Religious Department.
  4. Meanwhile, non-governmental organisations (NGO) are no exception to undertaking various roles. Till July 2021, 254 NGOs made 3,918,590.00 ringgit in donations which aided 154,353 individuals. To date, youth volunteers are actively involved in non-health related services, taking on facilitating roles in assisting frontline workers at vaccination centres. Youth volunteering teams serve as platforms which enable the youth to assist in the roll-out of the government’s national immunisation program at the grass roots. The youths are also actively involving themselves in forming sports bubble volunteer teams, which are responsible for monitoring the organisation of sports and recreational events, besides providing directions to the relevant stakeholders on safety guidelines and ensuring compliance with the standard operating procedures.

Speaker of the State Assembly,

  1. Educators, students, parents, and various parties directly involved in the education sector are facing tough trials and challenges. The pandemic has shifted the educational landscape towards digital andragogy and pedagogy. The Ministry of Education announced the closure of schools and introduced Teaching and Learning from Home (PdPR), replacing face-to-face physical lessons in school. Nearly three hundred thousand (298,318), or an equivalent of 95% of students living in urban areas; and 64,001, the equivalent of 97% of students living in the rural areas have fallen in line with the new norm of PdPR learning. Apart from online learning, PdPR has also been carried out offline or outside school premises, depending on the suitability of learning facilities available to students and teachers. Throughout 2020, only 140 schooling days was physically operational, while the remaining 83 days took place through PdPR. Public exams such as the Sijil Pelajaran, Sijil Vokasional, Sijil Tinggi Agama and Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan were delayed for four months; while the Ujian Pencapaian Bahasa Antarabangsa was postponed for almost eight months. With that, We hereby express Our royal gratitude towards the educators who have pioneered the entirety of their efforts towards ensuring that students, who bear the weight of the future upon their shoulders, receive the best education that there is.
  2. The state violence and property crime index in 2020 dipped by 31%; dropping from 4,911 cases in 2019 to 3,388 cases in 2020. The number of arrests of drug addicts also showed a decrease from 323 in 2019 to 60 arrests in 2020. The decline in numbers may be due to the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO). Despite the decrease in the state crime index, the Royal Malaysian Police now has to shoulder other frontline duties to enforce the directives of the MCO. Beside the Police Force, other security-related agencies, the Armed Forces, the Fire and Rescue Department, RELA, and the Civil Defence Force are also actively engaged in their respective frontline duties.
  3. Following the enforcement of the Movement Control Order (MCO), 2020 saw the tourism sector take its worst hit, directly impacting the operation of tourism-related support sectors, in particular, the hotel and accommodation industry. Data from the Malaysian Association of Hotels in Perak displayed a downward trend of occupancy rates, dropping from 57% in 2019 to 35% in 2020, while the average occupancy rate dipped from 44% in 2019 to a mere 26% in 2020. A hotel was shut down in 2020, resulting in the retrenchment of 180 workers; while 65 hotels were temporarily closed, affecting some 1,115 workers.
  4. Homestays in Perak, which has recorded growth for 3 consecutive years in 2016, 2017 and 2018, had drawn the interest of the public to venture into and invest in this tourism sub-sector. Unfortunately, due to the Movement Control Order, the number of people using the homestays drastically reduced from more than 15,206 occupants in 2019 to only 454 in 2020, a drop of around 77% occupants. Revenue from homestays in Perak took a major hit as well when the earnings in 2019 dropped from 961,060.30 ringgit to only 31,324.00 ringgit in 2020.
  5. Efforts have been made to spearhead the revival of the tourism sector. Tourism Perak has since launched several initiatives for its tourism revival such as doing online promotion, hosting live tourism seminars, tourism-based competitions, engagement sessions, providing support grants for tourism, arts, and culture in partnership with Tourism Malaysia as well as organizing virtual business matching. Subject to the Movement Control Order and status of the pandemic, Tourism Perak has planned to organise a few face-to-face events at the end of year 2021.
  6. The situation of the world food safety is getting more critical. The World Food Program has warned that 41 million people in 43 countries are threatened with the risk of starvation, rising from a figure of 27 million people 2019. The rise in the risk of starvation was caused by the increase in prices of essential food items, in addition to conflicts, climate change and economic issues worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic. The worst state of starvation experienced by 4 countries, Ethiopia, Madagascar, South Sudan and Yemen which affected 600,000 people was due to war and the Covid-19 pandemic. The United Nations pre-summit which took place in Rome last July, voiced concerns caused by the Covid 19 threat which curbed agricultural activities, likely lessening the amount of export from food producing countries that may choose to prioritise their domestic needs. Every country needs to think of strategic ways to face the Covid-19 pandemic if it continues to spread further in future. Our government needs to give serious attention to the threat of food security. The agriculture, livestock, and fishing sectors need to be very pro-active. Beyond that, they need to be more productive, increasing their yields by incorporating a new working culture and using more modern methods and mechanisms.

Speaker of the State Assembly,

  1. The desire to develop the state more rapidly depends on the strength of the government’s financial resources. Efforts to increase the state’s revenue via the identification of new sources in sectors with great potential is under way. It is estimated that 1,687,500 tons of non-radioactive rare earth element (NR-REE) can be found in Perak. The NR-REE is one of the more important minerals of the present and the future due to its extensive use in many high-tech industries, healthcare industries, and in the defence industries. Our government has started a pioneer project in mining NR-REE on 213.8 hectares of land. At the same time, Our government has been cautious not to be too hasty in granting licenses for large scale mining of the NR-REE.
  2. We must heed the lessons of the past, as attested by the lingering decimation of Perak’s landscapes wrought on by tin-mining, rendering grievous harm to the state and people of Perak. The health factors, the safety factors, the environmental factors and the long-term benefit of the state and its citizens should be prioritised and cannot be compromised. At the same time, Perak should not be content with being mere producers of raw materials. Instead, the raw materials should be complemented with downstream activities so that the returns have added value and will prompt creation of high-level job opportunities for the locals. The Menteri Besar Incorporated has taken steps to explore all avenues in establishing collaborations between scientists and experts to undertake research on this newly discovered mineral NR-REE, while the Perak State Development Corporation has pioneered efforts to develop the midstream and downstream industries.
  3. Water is a priceless natural resource essential to the sustenance of human life and serves as the catalyst for various economic sectors. In Perak, there are 11 main river basins; Sg. Perak being the largest at 14,908 square kilometers, making up 70% of the total river basin area in Perak as well as being the second largest river basin in Peninsula Malaysia. Based on the Water Quality Index 2020 report published by the Department of Environment, Sg. Tapah has been recognised as the cleanest river in Malaysia; while Sg. Licin, Sg. Nyior and Sg. Manong have been listed among the top 10 cleanest rivers in Malaysia. It is the people’s duty and responsibility to keep rivers clean. Mosques, suraus, schools, youth bodies, and residential communities all must educate the people from an early age to keep our rivers clean by initiating small steps such as not throwing rubbish into the drains, canals, and rivers.
  4. Throughout 2020, the Department of Environment has carried out 4,937 inspections of 2,465 premises, covering the industrial and agricultural sectors, forest farms, quarries, sewage plants, and development projects, as these sectors are potential sources of pollution. 3,358 compounds were issued for violating the environmental act; 101 investigation papers were recorded for further legal action. 19 premises had their equipment confiscated and 7 premises were ordered to cease operations. The data in 2020 has shown that many operators and entrepreneurs do not place importance on the environment when conducting their businesses. The environmental factor must not be compromised. In order to clearly convey this message, enforcement and monitoring need to be enhanced.
  5. Perak has the second largest Malay Reserve Land in Peninsula Malaysia with an area of 953,075.55 hectares, which takes up 45% of the total land area in Perak. Since Malaya’s independence, 14,960.23 hectares of Malay Reserve Land have been revoked, but have been replaced with a bigger area of 27,255.92 hectares. This data proves the commitment of Our government to achieving a fifty percent Malay Reserve Land ratio in tandem with the desire to uphold one of the seven wills of the Malay Sultans.

Speaker of the State Assembly,

  1. Islam is a religion that encompasses all underlying aspects of life, weathering changes in circumstances through the passage of time. The new norms of worshipping during the pandemic for Muslims prove that Islam understands the state of reality and its difficulties in not denying the right of Allah’s servants to fulfil their holy worship. The approach of Maqasid Shariah – the concept of an emergency – fiqah al-awlawiyat and others which were based on the framework of sharia through the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah, are the gauge and scale to guarantee benefits as well as to reject any forms of façade contradicting the principles of the divine. Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala said:

“And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining].”

(Al-Quran, [Al-Baqarah, 2:195].)

  1. Acceptance to the changes in worship can be appreciated through the exchange of knowledge so that the intrinsic understanding of Islam is not misunderstood until the credibility of the religion is put in jeopardy.

Speaker of the State Assembly,

  1. The Covid-19 virus has unleashed a new battlefield into the midst of society, as life on earth faces the onslaught of biological enemies. The virus will continue to live amongst the living on this Earth. Even though Covid-19 is a young virus, it has shown that it has a strong degree of resistance and endurance; that it can mutate and create newer variants of itself to combat our man-made vaccines. Yet, the battle between virus and vaccine will continue until Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala bestows humans with wisdom to overcome the endurance and resistance of the virus. Vaccination is a preventive measure which acts as a defensive shield, increasing our immunity. The National Covid-19 Immunisation Program is in fact, a large step forward in increasing the nation’s immunity. Up until the 24th of August 2021, a total of 1,118,358 people has received their first dose of the vaccine while 797,317 people have received their second dose, putting the fully vaccinated at 42.8% of the total adult population in Perak. Our government is taking full initiative to achieve herd immunity by speeding up the vaccination rates. The vaccination program has also been scaled-up and improved through outreach programs which dispatch special teams to rural areas, approaching the rural society as well as the indigenous community.
  2. In addition to the vaccines prepared by the Federal Government, the Perak State Development Corporation, through its subsidiary Majuperak Holdings Berhad, in collaboration with Kumpulan Perubatan Ar-Ridzuan, has initiated a complementary program, SilverVax, which offers paid vaccination programs to employers. This paid vaccination program started on 2nd of August 2021, and has been favourably received by employers who hope for their workers to get vaccinated quickly so that the target for herd immunity can be achieved, thus giving workers, employers, and customers a sense of security.
  3. Doctors, nurses, health and medical personnel, ambulance drivers, hearse drivers and grave diggers as well as mortuary operators are suddenly hit with the unexpected heavy responsibilities, being tasked at the frontlines and facing the highest risk of infection; a burden of responsibility that they never imagined would have to be faced by their respective professions. As are the great risks faced by food deliverymen, staff in grocery stores, in supermarkets and in pharmacies; public transport operators, members of the security forces and related agencies, as well as public officials in various government departments and agencies who operate various important services. They have upheld the principle of communal responsibility (kifayah) that must be appreciated. May Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala bestow the greatest rewards upon them for their services and sacrifices. As a token of Our appreciation to each and every one of the officers on the front lines as well as their family members, let us all stand together and give them a round of applause.
  4. During the ceremony appointing the Kota Tampan state assemblyman as the Menteri Besar of Perak, I had decreed that Our government set an example in minimizing political disputes. In the interest of the people, agendas such as economic prosperity, state development and social well-being must be given priority. Responding to the decree, the Right Honourable Menteri Besar when tabling the 2021 budget, announced an even allocation for all fifty-nine (59) members of the State Assembly, regardless of whether the members are from the opposition or the ruling party. All members of the House were also invited to attend meetings of the District Development Action Committee, District Focus Group Committee and District Disaster Management Committee. The move has made it possible for all members of the House to participate directly and constructively, to formulate governance that meets the needs of the people more effectively – more meaningfully. The move pioneered by the Right Honourable Menteri Besar is a courageous move, setting a precedent in the state administration. It may well be a small initial step, but this small step, if nurtured, will be the stepping stone to a new and superior political culture that is less confrontational in nature. Every member of the House should welcome the move through a reciprocal attitude and appreciate this new culture by embodying a mature political spirit of teamwork, mutual respect and helping each other with the efforts undertaken in the interest of the state and the people; in addition to working together to cultivate the spirit of unity and citizenship among those of various races, those who profess various religions, those who practice various cultures and those who master various languages.
  5. We express Our appreciation to the Right Honourable Menteri Besar, members of the Executive Council, members of Dewan Negara, members of the State Assembly, civil servants at all levels, members of the security forces, statutory bodies, the private sector, members of the Local Authorities, mosque officials, religious leaders, the Village Development and Security Committee, members of Rukun Tetangga, as well as voluntary bodies, cultural, youth and sports bodies who have joined hands to work together to develop the state of Perak Darul Ridzuan.
  6. It is with great hope that Perak Darul Ridzuan overflows with peace and prosperity, its people continuously blessed and rewarded by Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala with divine help and guidance.
  7. In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, We declare that the first meeting in the fourth year for the Fourteenth State Assembly of Perak Darul Ridzuan is hereby inaugurated.
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